I hope you've had a great week! Today I want to share a couple of upcoming opportunities where you can help support our community. So far this year, we’ve raised nearly $2.8 million for our community campaign, funds that ensure that critical programs are available across our community. Programs like Kosher Meals on Wheels and the Kosher Senior Café through Jewish Collaborative Services, like student education offered by the Sandra Bornstein Holocaust Education Center, and our Israeli Emissary Program, where Gaya creates and runs programming at synagogues and Hillels throughout Rhode Island.  

Click here to read the transcribed version of the Shabbat message.

There is so much that happens here at the JCC every single day. It really is the central address of our Jewish community. It is home to the Alliance, but it’s also home to the Holocaust Education Center, the Rhode Island Jewish Historical Association, Congregation Beth Sholom, satellite offices for Jewish Collaborative Services and much more. Each week, so many programs are offered to the community at the JCC. And while we have a strong membership base, because we strive to keep the JCC affordable as part of our mission, we rely on fundraising to help us ensure we can offer these programs. 

That’s where we need your help. Throughout the month of April, we will be focusing on all the great things that happen at the JCC, seeking to raise funds to do even more, and to make the programs you already love to run even better. You’ll be hearing more from me about that in my next message. But first, I hope you’ll support us on 401Gives Day: Tuesday, April 1. We are participating with nonprofits across Rhode Island in this day of giving sponsored by United Way of Rhode Island. This year the funds we raise will support our programs and services at the Dwares JCC. 

Together, we can make sure that our community has the resources it needs to continue to be vibrant and thriving.

Until next time, I wish you a safe, peaceful, and joyous Shabbat. 

Shabbat Shalom,
Adam Greenman
President & CEO