I hope you’ve had a great week! It’s hard to believe that we are at the end of July. It feels like the summer just started, and yet we are now halfway through. Here at the Alliance, summer brings a totally different energy to the organization and the Dwares JCC. That’s because all summer, we are privileged to host Summer J-Camp.

It is so much fun to walk around the building during the summer. To see kids creating art projects together, playing in the field behind the building, swimming, and most importantly making friendships that will last a lifetime. When I was a teacher, we talked about the difference between good noise and bad noise. You can tell how much fun is being had around the building this summer, because there is so much good noise — the laughter, the kids working together to solve a problem or finish a project. It just brings so much joy to all of us who work here.

And it makes a huge difference when it comes to building Jewish identity. I know this firsthand, as I saw it with my kids when they went to J-Camp. Getting to participate in Shabbat, make a hamsa in art class, learn about Jewish culture and rituals, these activities help shape Jewish identity and make for a well-rounded J-Camp experience.

And it’s not just J-Camp. I have talked to so many people throughout the community who have shared that their Jewish identity was forged at Jewish overnight camp, whether it was at Camp JORI here in Rhode Island, or at one of the many Jewish overnight camps throughout the region. And there is research that backs this up. Camping is one of the best methods for strengthening Jewish values and building Jewish identity, all while providing kids with a safe and fun way to spend their summers.

J-Camp and Camp JORI are able to operate here in Rhode Island because of you. Your support of the Alliance’s fundraising campaign ensures we can help create these memories and experiences for kids throughout Rhode Island. So, thank you for helping to lift up and spread Jewish joy.

Until next time, I wish you a safe, peaceful, and joyous Shabbat.

Shabbat Shalom,
Adam Greenman
President & CEO