I hope you’ve had a great week. Like many nonprofit organizations, our fiscal year at the Jewish Alliance ends on June 30th. And like many nonprofits, we rely on fundraising support to help us do all the mission-based work you have come to rely on us for. So today, I want to make one final appeal to you to consider a gift to the Alliance’s fundraising campaign.

At the Alliance, we work hard to create the kind of vibrant, thriving community that we all desire. One where everyone is included. One where we can come together, in good times and in the harder times. This year certainly represented that. Since October 7th, the Alliance has worked overtime to make sure that our community is safe, that we had opportunities to mourn together, and that we had opportunities to come together in joy as well. That was on top of the work that we do always to ensure our local agencies and synagogues have what they need to be successful, and to ensure that our Dwares JCC continues to be a central hub for everyone in our community.

Doing this work requires resources. Thank you to all of you who have made a gift to keep this work going. And for those who haven’t had the chance to make your gift yet, please consider doing so before Sunday.
You can donate by clicking here.

As we end this fiscal year, let’s remember that it takes all of us to keep this community strong. Thank you all for doing your part to make our community such a wonderful place!

Until next time, I wish you a safe, peaceful, and joyous Shabbat.

Shabbat Shalom,
Adam Greenman
President & CEO