This year, one of the main items the Alliance will work on is the organization’s next strategic plan. It is hard to believe that the last plan was developed four years ago, and so much has changed since then. But one thing hasn’t changed, the importance of the role that you play in the planning process.

We believe strongly that the Alliance’s strategic plan must reflect the community we serve, and that the direction we chart for the next few years must be rooted in what we hear from the community. And that’s why, like last time, we’ll be creating several opportunities for you to get involved. We’ll be launching a community survey that we hope you will complete, and we’ll have an opportunity for community members to participate in a town hall meeting here at the Dwares JCC. Both strategies are designed to hear about your hopes and suggestions for the community’s future.

You can find out much more about our strategic planning process in my next Shabbat message, and in the September issue of Jewish Rhode Island.

Finally, today, I want to ask you all to save the date of October 7 on your calendars. At 7:00 that evening, we will be hosting a community commemoration at the Dwares JCC marking one year since the horrific attack on Israel by Hamas. That evening, we want to come together as a community to mourn those who were lost, to hear from those directly impacted by the tragedy, and to mourn all the innocent lives that have been lost since.

Last year, shortly after October 7, we came together in shock. And it is part of Jewish ritual to mark anniversaries like this, and to remember. You can find out more information about this community commemoration on our website.

Until next time, I wish you a safe, peaceful, and joyous Shabbat.

Shabbat Shalom,
Adam Greenman
President & CEO