Dear Friend:
In this week's message I reflect on the origin of my video Shabbat messages, and invite you to join us this Sunday at the Dwares JCC for a day filled with activities for everyone.
Click here to the read the transcribed version of the Shabbat message.
As with any of our Days-at-the-J, you don’t need to be a JCC member to participate in what we have planned. This Sunday's Day-at-the-J kicks off at 10:00am with a restorative yoga class. We have two film screenings, one for adults, and one for families. There are opportunities for family swim, and open gym for people to play basketball or just play indoors on one of the few days it will actually feel like winter in Rhode Island. We have a video game tournament, and if you’re up for it, you can join me for our inaugural spin-a-thon, where we are raising funds to support the JCC and all those we serve. I hope you’ll join us in bringing community together!
Until next time, I wish you a safe, peaceful, and joyous Shabbat.
Shabbat Shalom,
Adam Greenman
President & CEO