I hope you had a great week! Last Saturday night, the Alliance held it’s B’nai Mitzvah celebration, commemorating thirteen years since the coming together of the Jewish Federation of Rhode Island, the Jewish Community Center, and the Bureau of Jewish Education. Throughout the evening, we honored those who made the Alliance possible, lighting candles to honor each group. We danced the Hora, we listened to great Jewish musicians, and most importantly we gathered as one community.
It was so incredible to see multiple generations celebrating together. To see each part of our community, all denominations and those who don’t affiliate, in a room together celebrating the organization, but more importantly, celebrating being Jewish.
I want to thank all of those who sponsored and contributed to making the evening possible. Thanks to the event chairs and the host committee for their work to make the evening a success. And I want to thank our staff who worked tirelessly to bring everyone together. It truly was an incredible evening.
Last Saturday evening I spoke a lot about our past, but I also spoke about our future. A future that all of you are helping us to create. A future that honestly looks very similar to our past. You see, the work of building a vibrant, thriving community is ongoing. Community building is hard work, and communities need organizations like the Alliance to be the glue binding everything together. It’s not always easy, but it’s always meaningful, and it’s always important.
We need you. We need your ideas, and we need your involvement and investment. As the end of the year approaches, we hope you will consider a gift to the community through the Alliance’s campaign. You can do so by clicking here. Looking out at the crowd last Saturday made me more convinced than ever that together, with all of us pitching in, there is nothing our community cannot achieve.
Shabbat Shalom,
Adam Greenman
President & CEO