"From One Life to the Next Life: The Sacred Passage After Death" tells the story of the author's personal journey after the loss of her baby son. From paralyzing grief to a life infused with purpose and passion, this powerful memoir is filled with Jewish teachings about birth, death, the afterlife, and more. 

Come hear her speak on her powerful transformation through grief and love. Click here to read a recent story in Jewish Rhode Island to learn more about her book.

Elissa was born in London, England and in 1985 married her American husband and
they started their married life in Washington, DC. After the death of her first child, Elissa started to explore Judaism in much greater depth. In her quest to understand the loss of her baby she explored Jewish sources in general and more specifically regarding death and the afterlife. She is very active on her local chevra kadisha, a volunteer group that performs final rites for the Jewish dead, and she speaks widely on this topic.

For more information, contact Samantha Kaufman.