Funds are established to provide unrestricted support for the Jewish Federation Foundation’s allocations and activities.

Leonard Abrams Memorial Fund
Lillian Abrams Memorial Fund
Lillian and Saul Abrams Fund
Dr. Paul and Sheila Alexander Fund
Lorraine Rose Allen Memorial Fund
Celia Baker Memorial Fund
Rose Bellin Fund
Gloria Blackman Memorial Fund
Anna H. Blankstein Memorial Fund
Lorraine S. Bliss Memorial Fund
Abraham Bornstein Charitable Fund
Gayle Baine Brezack Memorial Fund
Florence Brodsky Memorial Fund
Lynn and Elliott Brodsky Fund
David and Patricia Cohen Fund
Sydney and Helen Cohn Memorial Fund
Sylvia and Irving I. Coken Memorial Fund
Congregation Sons of Zion Fund
Gerald I. Connis Memorial Fund
Myer M. Cooper Memorial Fund
Ruth D'Atri Memorial Fund
E. Harold Dick Fund
Jennie Shaine Dorenbaum Memorial Fund
Fannye B. Efros Fund
Abraham and Ann Ehrlich Memorial Fund
Irving Eisman Fund
Ellison Family Fund
Bertha Engelman Memorial Library Fund
Claire Ernstoff Memorial Fund
Benjamin M. and Ruth T. Falk Fund
Sidney G. Fisher Memorial Fund
Harry C. Foster Fund
Charles J. Fox Fund
Robbie Frank Fund
Jonathan Freiman Memorial Fund
Marcia R. Gabrilowitz Memorial Fund
Irwin Galkin Memorial Fund
Sylvia Rossman Galkin Memorial Fund
Sadye Gereboff Fund In Memory of Her Husband Samuel Gereboff
Philip Glanzman Memorial Fund in Memory of His Parents and His Brothers
Reuben Glanzman Memorial Fund
Leo M. and Ruth S. Goldberg Memorial Fund
Shirley A. Goldberg Fund
Shirley A. Goldberg Memorial Fund
Philip and Beatrice Goldblatt Memorial Fund
Golden Family Fund in Memory of Edward L. and David M. Golden
Goldman Fund
James Goldman Fund
Jeremiah J. Gorin Fund
Aaron S. Helford Endowment Fund
Rose Salter Heller Memorial Fund
Evelyn F. Hendel Memorial Fund
Fred S. and Ruth N. Herz Memorial Fund
David Hochman Maccabi Fund
Bessie Hood Fund
Henry Husserl Memorial Fund
Samuel and Lucille Irving Memorial Fund
Celia Izeman Endowment Fund
Doris and Alfred Jacobs Memorial Endowment Fund
Dan and Cynthia Kaplan Fund
Samuel A. Kaplan Memorial Fund
Max Kerzner Memorial Fund
Sol and Lillian Koffler Family Fund
Samuel J. and Zelda R. Kolodney Memorial Fund
Jacob Kotler Fund
Jeannette Kurman Memorial Fund
Mary Ann Laurans Memorial Fund
Max and Muriel Leach Fund In Memory of Harry and Pauline Leach
Rabbi Saul and Dr. Elsie Leeman Memorial Fund
Leonard Levin Memorial Fund in Memory of His Parents Rebecca and Thomas Levin
Melvin N. Levin Memorial Fund
George Levine Endowment Fund
The Frank and Dorothy Licht Fund*
Paul D. Litwin Endowment Fund
Isador S. and Cecile Low Fund
Harry Lyon Fund
Charlotte Marcus Memorial Fund
Sylvia B. Marer Memorial Fund
Ronald C. and Lynn C. Markoff Family Fund
McLaughlin and Moran Fund
Samuel Medoff Fund
Samuel J. Medoff Fund
Dorris Marcus Mendelsohn Memorial Fund
Rose Miller Fund
Harry and Fannie Nemtzow Memorial Fund
Simon and Jacqueline Nemzow Memorial Fund*
Judge Zalman D. Newman Fund
Benton and Elaine Odessa Fund
Gertrude S. Parker Fund
Abraham M. and Natalie F. Percelay Fund
Albert and Selma F. Pilavin Fund
Hyman R. Port Memorial Fund
Presidents' Fund (Former Bureau of Jewish Education of RI)
Samuel and Ruth Pritzker Fund
Pearl J. Pulner Fund In Honor of Kenneth Hersh
Elaine R. Rakatansky Memorial Fund
Ida and Israel Resnick Fund
Ress Family Fund
Samuel Rice Fund
Harris N. Rosen Fund
Myrna K. and Harris N. Rosen Fund*
Jennie Rosen Memorial Fund
Mark and Donna Ross Fund
Irving S. Rubin Fund
Louis Baruch Rubinstein Fund
Alexander and Celia Rumpler Fund
Max and Ethel Runstein Memorial Fund
Herbert E. Sackett Family Fund
Charles and Donald Salmanson Fund
Clara Schafranik Fund In Memory of Her Husband Erich Schafranik
Lola Schafranik Memorial Fund In Memory of Her Son Erich Schafranik
Florence Schiffman Memorial Fund
Lola Schwartz Fund
Beryl and Chaya Segal Fund
Ethel Segal Memorial Fund
Larry Shein Memorial Fund
Dora Sherman Fund in Memory of Manuel and Esther Rose Sherman
Pearl Susan Shindler Memorial Fund
Samuel and Irene Shlevin Fund
Rose Shulman Memorial Fund
Arthur P. Silverman Fund
Martin and Pearle Silverstein Fund
Rocky Simon Endowment Fund
Alfred S. Simons Memorial Fund
Patricia Smith Memorial Fund
Edwin S. Soforenko Fund
Edwin S. Soforenko Memorial Fund
Harold Soloveitzik Memorial Fund
Edward Spindell M.D. Endowment Fund
Edward and Judith Spindell Fund
Hallman Spungen Fund
Emily A. Stallman Memorial Fund
Selma and Milton Stanzler Fund
Fannie B. Sugar Fund
Albert A. Taber Memorial Fund
Harry and Rena Tanenbaum Memorial Fund
Mary F. and David Tarsky Memorial Fund
Helen and Meyer Tenenbaum Fund
Thompson Apex Co. Fund
Samuel Wak Fund
Alfred Weinstock Memorial Fund
Bella Gold Werner Fund
Bernice White Memorial Fund
Helen S. Williams Memorial Fund
B. Ruby Winnerman Memorial Fund in Memory of her sister Harriet J. Winnerman
Harold A. Winstead Memorial Fund
Wintman Family Fund
Peter J. Woolf Memorial Fund
Peter and Anna Woolf Fund
Mabel T. Woolley Fund
Belle Zias Endowment Fund
Zuckerman Family Fund

*new funds

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